On Friday and Saturday, information days were held around Slovenia where schools presented their educational programs and accompanying activities to future students. In some schools, our corporation has been presented as a future scholarship provider and employer.
Our colleagues attended the information day at the Secondary Schools of Technical Sciences in Koper and Jesenice and Jurij Vega High School in Idrija. At all three schools, young people can be trained as mechanical engineering technicians or mechatronic operators. In addition to the presentation of educational programs and accompanying activities, the participants at the information day also learned about the possibilities of cooperation with our corporation during their education. We presented various forms of cooperation with us, for example school-linked practical work training, summer research work and the options to obtain a scholarship and for later employment.
The schools had different concepts of information days. In Idrija, the current students presented part of the school topics to future mechanical engineers and mechatronic operators. Construction drawing was demonstrated in the computer room donated to the school by our corporation two years ago.
We are aware of the importance of transferring experience and cooperating with educational institutions. For this reason we took the opportunity to present the company, strengthen the cooperation and attract young potential candidates. In addition to school information, they also received our promotion materials with contacts and a small present.