
Get to know the pulse of our Corporation through news on the latest innovations and events we organise or in which we participate.

Hidria co-creating clean diesel technologies of the future

Hidria co-creating clean diesel technologies of the future

Today in Tolmin, together with the European Commissioner for Transport, Violeta Bulc, we opened a new high-tech, fully automated production line for Optymus PSG, developed and manufactured by us. This is the official start of the serial production of this innovative diesel engine cold start system with pressure sensor.

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We developed key parts for the Formula Student together with students

We developed key parts for the Formula Student together with students

This year, too, we have assisted the engineering team Superior Engineering in the development of their race car, which will participate in the international competition Formula Student in the category of electric vehicles. Together we have developed and produced key parts of the drive and steering system.

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Hidria's innovators once again at the top

Hidria's innovators once again at the top

At yesterday's best regional innovation award ceremony, organised in Ajdovščina by the Northern Primorska Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the achievements of Hidria's innovators once again ranked among the top. They received no fewer than four awards – one gold, two silver and one bronze.

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Irena Rimac Gaspari became the procurement manager of the year

Irena Rimac Gaspari became the procurement manager of the year

Irena Rimac Gaspari, Director of Corporate Purchasing, was declared procurement manager of the year at the traditional Regional Procurement Conference in Portorož. The title was conferred to her by a four-member expert committee in recognition of her numerous achievements in professional area and years of experience.

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The first fruit trees were planted in Jesenice and Tolmin

The first fruit trees were planted in Jesenice and Tolmin

In the context of the project “Let’s make Hidria green and plant fruit trees”, our colleagues planted 24 apple and pear trees. Most trees are expected to begin to bloom next year, and some of them already this year. So we can expect the first sweet fruits already this autumn.

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Hidria in Milan with new EC centrifugal fans

Hidria in Milan with new EC centrifugal fans

Yesterday one of the biggest trade fairs in the field of heating, cooling and ventilation in the world, MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort, was opened in Milan, Italy. The business unit Hidria Movent presents at the fair, besides other innovative solutions, also a completely new product line of EC centrifugal fans.

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Successful completion of the COMBILASER project

Successful completion of the COMBILASER project

Hidria’s project COMBILASER successfully passed the last, final testing by the European Commission auditors in Brussels. The three-year project in the area of laser manufacturing technologies was the first one coordinated by Hidria. It brought together 12 European partners who received EUR 3 million in total for the development activities.

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The Water Challenge warmed up almost 100 of Hidria’s little champions

The Water Challenge warmed up almost 100 of Hidria’s little champions

In the framework of the project “Building strong partnerships for future champions”, we organised a very special sports event for the children of our employees and their friends during the winter holidays. Hidria’s first Water Challenge for little champions was a real adventure for almost 100 children who enjoyed in the Olympic swimming pool in Žusterna, Koper.

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Leonardo Project: With suppliers for die casting of higher quality

Leonardo Project: With suppliers for die casting of higher quality

We hosted our main suppliers in the field of die casting in the scope of the Leonardo project at the business unit Hidria Alutec, which is operating in our Technology Park Koper. Together we consolidated partnership and looked for solutions to ensure production of top quality products.

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Hidria at information days

Hidria at information days

At the end of this week, information days were organised all over Slovenia. As every year, Hidria's teams of experts were there. They presented to the youth the Hidria corporation and the opportunities it offers, and created a base of potential co-workers who might contribute to Hidria's innovation as soon as in a few years.

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