
Get to know the pulse of our Corporation through news on the latest innovations and events we organise or in which we participate.

The EDISON WINCI project as a transition to new technologies of electromobility

The EDISON WINCI project as a transition to new technologies of electromobility

Since October Hidria has been a partner and coordinator of the EDISON WINCI project in the framework of the tender Demo Piloti II 2018. This is a project developing the infrastructure, competencies and elements of business models for logistical systems of electrical vehicles for contactless charging. In this project Hidria will develop new technologies of bonding laminations used to produce modern electric drive motors.

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Supplier conference at Hidria Tolmin

Supplier conference at Hidria Tolmin

After two years, Hidria in Tolmin again hosted a gathering of our main suppliers from 33 European companies. At this expert conference we presented our business plans and expectations to our partners. And awarded the two best for their contribution to the development of our corporation.

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The 24th Ljubljana Marathon also marked by Hidria

The 24th Ljubljana Marathon also marked by Hidria

Yesterday the beautiful sunny Sunday attracted many runners from all over the world to the streets of Ljubljana. The 24th Ljubljana Marathon was marked by numerous records. Like every year, our colleagues participated in it. Through their performance and large attendance, they have once again proved their perseverance, endurance and strength - all virtues needed to achieve top results.

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We presented our innovative solutions at the Aachen Colloquium congress

We presented our innovative solutions at the Aachen Colloquium congress

Our Hidria Dieseltec business unit participated at the largest European congress presenting the development of power train technologies, Aachen Colloquium in Aachen, Germany. We presented Hidria’s innovative products and technologies that are important for the smooth functioning of internal combustion engines.

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We have the best innovators

We have the best innovators

At Innovation Day organised by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce Hidria’s innovators were again among the best. They developed the innovative Engine cold start relay for the efficient operation of modern vehicles and received a silver award for it.

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We tested exoskeletons

We tested exoskeletons

Hidria in Jesenice received a very special visit. Together with our colleagues , the scientists and experts from the Jozef Stefan Institute and the company S2P tested the functioning of an exoskeleton in practice. The media house Euronews recorded a special report about it which will be broadcast in 430 million households in 130 countries.

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Hidria Lamtec at the fair in the USA

Hidria Lamtec at the fair in the USA

Last week Detroit, USA, hosted one of the major fairs in the fields of electric and hybrid vehicles, the Battery show and the Electric & Hybrid vehicle technology expo. This year, for the first time, Hidria independently presented its Hidria Lamtec business unit among more than 600 exhibitors.

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If possible, it is better to walk to work

If possible, it is better to walk to work

The concern for health and the environment is one of the important values. Our corporation is therefore pleased to join the European Mobility Week and encourage all colleagues to go to work – of course, if possible – on foot or by public transport.

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Three successful Leonardo days in Koper

Three successful Leonardo days in Koper

This time, the workshops of the Leonardo project were held in Koper. In three days from Tuesday to Thursday, we thoroughly studied the concept of the housing of the steering system for BMW vehicles together with our suppliers. Together we found several solutions for an optimal high-quality production in the areas of die casting, mechanic processing and product purity.

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Students from the School of Economics and Business learn from us

Students from the School of Economics and Business learn from us

Students from the School of Economics and Business visited Spodnja Idrija as part of the course Learning and Knowledge Management, taught by Prof. Vlado Dimovski, PhD. In the scope of the specialised excursion they learned about the work and premises of our corporation, as well as employment and career options offered to young experts.

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