We at Slovenian companies Hidria, the Kolektor Group and ETA see the safety of our employees and the prevention of the spreading of the covid-19 infection as our common priority task. Here we must be extremely responsible also about the long-term preservation of jobs.
At Hidria, the Kolektor Group and the company Eta Cerkno we have been following the course of events around the spreading of the coronavirus infection covid-10 from the very beginning, and adopting all required measures for the safety of employees and for preventing its spreading.
We are aware that the safety of persons is the top priority, so we are not just adhering to the recommendations and instructions of the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) and competent authorities, but all three companies also adopted additional measures in line with the specifics of our production plants.
We are aware that responsibility for our employees also means providing long-term jobs, which, even in these difficult circumstances, depends to a large extent on meeting the expectations of our customers.
In line with the recommendation of the Minister of Economy of 17.3.2020, which says that stopping production does not make sense where employers have taken appropriate steps to prevent the spread of the infection, we will therefore adjust the workload in the coming weeks at all three companies to the current volume of orders.
Despite the expected significant reduction in the volume of work in the coming days, we will do our best to keep our companies alive and to preserve as many jobs as possible.
We would like to highlight again that the concern for the health of all of us comes first, so we will continue to monitor developments and act accordingly.