The project COMBILASER, in which we develop advanced innovative solutions for the monitoring of industrial welding systems together with development partners from all over Europe, now has a presentation video. It was recorded at Hidria AET and shows the manufacturing process of the diesel engine cold start system with pressure sensor Optymus PSG and its special monitoring system.
The solution presented in the film was filmed in the clean room of Hidria AET; Hidria AET also coordinates the COMBILASER project. In an interesting way, it presents to the viewer the self-learning system developed by the University of Sheffield, UK. The system allows the machine to produce no bad pieces during the welding process of Hidria’s Optymus PSG. It adjusts the strength and position of the laser so that potential errors are avoided, and this allows the so-called zero-waste production or production without bad pieces. This is of crucial importance for a technologically as outstanding and demanding product as the Optymus PSG. A precise and flawless production is the precondition for a faultless and reliable function of the internationally awarded diesel engine cold start system with pressure sensor, which will be installed in modern diesel vehicles after 2018.
The presence of a partner such as the University of Sheffield, one of the best universities in the field of algorithms and robotics in Europe, and working with companies such as Airbus, Boeing and Rolls-Royce, was a great development opportunity for Hidria. The positive experiences gained from the collaboration on the COMBILASER project are already opening up the wish of both partners for further cooperation on both sides. Apart from the University of Sheffield, other respected partners have also been involved in setting up the solution, e.g. the company 4D from Germany and Cavitar from France, and the development centres Laser Zentrum from Germany, Recendt from Austria and IK4 LORTEK from Spain.
The film can be seen at this link. Find out more about the COMBLASER project here