The American Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia (AmCham Slovenia) announced the best innovation of this year in Slovenia. This is our state-of-the-art Hidria Bond lamination bonding technology, developed by a team of Hidria engineers led by Dr Špela Bolka (pictured left).
Dr Špela Bolka with her team of development engineers managed to develop a bonding technology for laminations, the key building blocks of modern electric motors, that even the most important global manufacturers of prestigious cars and industrial technology from Europe and the USA are interested in. In this way, Hidria Bond fully implements the main guideline of the AmCham project Best of the Best aimed at highlighting, presenting and rewarding the best business practices.
AmCham believes that innovation and creativity are the only valid answers to the current situation and that exceptional projects and the best business practices are an innovative way to bring new knowledge, approaches, products, processes, and business models to the Slovenian business sphere. Ideas and individuals with their creativity and energy motivate not only employees in companies, but the entire business community. Collaboration, cooperation, and trust help to spread knowledge, experience, and optimism. Here the Hidria Bond development team demonstrates again that it is one of the top creators of breakthrough innovations in Slovenia and worldwide.
This first place in the Innovation category means that our development team became one of the superfinalists of AmCham’s Best of the Best selection. It will compete with two other winners from the categories Motivation and Collaboration. The expert jury will announce the final winner, the Best of the Best, at the concluding event in December. Due to the COVID-19-related situation, the last event was held virtually.