In Spodnja Idrija we received a visit from the Austrian Ambassador Sigrid Berka. With her colleagues she viewed our high-tech premises and received information on the newest achievements and innovations from our corporation. She was shown the advanced production processes for producing cutting-edge solutions for the green mobility of the future.
In Spodnja Idrija the Austrian Ambassador viewed our latest achievements and listened to our plans to further strengthen Hidria among the globally most innovative designers and producers of green mobility solutions for the future and industrial technologies. She was shown the internationally awarded diesel engine cold start system with pressure sensor Hidria Optymus PSG which drastically reduces fuel consumption and harmful emissions. She saw key parts for electrical motors that make modern electromobility possible, advanced aluminium steering systems and Hidria’s economic and silent fans for maximum living convenience.
A visit to our production and research premises gave her a better insight into our high-tech production processes. These allow us to manufacture globally competitive high-quality products that have been for some time already recognised as the best by the largest global names in the automotive and industrial world. We especially emphasised that this was not possible without strong ambition, excellent colleagues, strategic partners, and consistent investments into research and development. Therefore, we are determined to continue our investments into strengthening human resources, innovative development and leading global positions in our segments.